Accountants Tax Consultants Small Business Advisors, St Lucia

Small & medium sized businesses, individuals & Companies

Accounting customized to match your needs

Welcome to Trevor Peters Associates a Saint Lucia based Professional Accounting, Tax & Consulting Practice providing a wide range  of Tax, accounting and small business  advisory services to Individuals, Small to medium sized businesses such as Partnerships, Companies, other corporate entities and non- profit organizations in St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadine Island of Bequia.

We are dedicated to providing a professional , yet affordable and efficient service to Small & Medium sized Entities ( SME’s) . Because of our focus, our clients benefit by getting reliable, personalised quality service at all times. We are available to serve our valued clients outside nornal working hours and on week-ends.
Below we have listed core areas of  accounting Tax & advisory services we offer to our clients with a brief description. The list is by no means exhaustive  so feel free to enquire about a service if you do not see it listed. For services we do not provide  we would be happy to refer you to a qualified professional.

We help relieve business owners of the chores of book-keeping, accounting & Tax routines

Here is how we will help you to:

Organize all you accounting / book-keeping, accounting and tax routines.

Remove or reduce the stresses of keeping the books and demanding  income tax compliance
Know and understand how your business is performing financially.
Make better business decisions by having access to timely and reliable information

We can help to identify factors negatively affecting profitability & growth and develop strategies, systems and procedures that are practical and technically sound. We will work with you and the relevant staff  to make your accounting functions easy and ensure that your financial records are correctly maintained.

With our help you will be able to keep your finances on track. You will be confident that your accounting system accurately reflects your current situation leaving you to  focus on running your business instead of trying to stay on top of your books

`Income Tax

We not only prepare your tax returns and file them ,we also assist you with compliance issues, tax problems, audits & advise on legal tax saving strategies available . By keeping current on new tax laws we are in a position  to identify tax planning opportunity


With our help you will be able to keep your finances on track. You will be confident that your accounting system accurately reflects your current situation leaving you to  focus on running your business instead of trying to stay on top of your books

Corporate Services
Smaller private companies rarely have the in house expertise to carry out all the legal requirements of company status. Just to mention a few.
Corporate income tax returns , withholding tax, company annual return to the Registrar of Companies, dividends formal financial reporting and in some cases if not elected to have audits, the necessary audit preparation etc.
Business /Shares Valuation
If for whatever reason you need to value your privately held business and   shares. , we can assist you.
Here are some reasons to have a business valuation:
Disputes among share holders
Exit from the business of a shareholder
Divorce settlement
Bringining into the business of a new investor
New business Start-Ups
If you are thinking about starting a new business , we certainly  can help you to understand the prerequisites of setting up, organizing your records and accounting systems.  It is important from the start business owners know and understand legal business structures demanding   government regulations and tax compliance relating to businesses.